Quote of the moment:
I have been known to upend tables when served yams unexpectedly.
Presenting a simple flowchart to determine if you should refer to a given product as "addictive" or not....(Click to see more)
This year, on Valentine's Day, be sure to get her the gift that will satisfy her like nothing else can....(Click to see more)
Available by prescription only....(Click to see more)
Ah, the splendor of the natural world and all its creatures. ...(Click to see more)
Yet another in a line of "Choose Your Own Adventure" stories. Man, I sure loved these as a kid. I must have read them all. ...(Click to see more)
Another in a series of children's adventure books where you pick the uncomfortable, disgusting, and therapy-inducing ending. A lovely summer read....(Click to see more)
Are you a domestic person who delights in pretty much anything but being domestic? I think we have found the periodical for you....(Click to see more)
Some people have a knack for making good advertisements, but you know, you can't win them all. This one ended up in the can at the end of the day....(Click to see more)
Being in advertising means taking chances on ad campaigns. Being unconventional can mean total success or utter failure. Not everything can succeed...(Click to see more)
Advertising is a tough business. Ad agencies usually throw out more ideas than they ever use, and we're going to find out what didn't make the cut....(Click to see more)
Adam Sandler is firm as fudge on this one, as he believes it preserves the artistic integrity of the films.
...(Click to see more)
Now this, THIS is what I call revolutionary television programming. I'm gonna be riveted to my seat all season....(Click to see more)
I've put together a collection of impractical or oddly specific bumper stickers.
This is #18.
To vote for this one, click and leave a comment and/or a like....(Click to see more)
Imagine a world where vampires were real, and in the early 90s, they formed an R&B group, featuring the hit single "I Want To Suck You Up."...(Click to see more)