Quote of the moment:

I once killed a man for asking me to help him commit suicide.

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View-Master: Internet Edition

Remember those boxy orange View-Master toys? Where you'd have stereoscopic images of the great sights of the world, on discs with slides you'd advance by pushing down on a lever? Well, like a lot of old standards, it was left by the wayside when the digital revolution hit the ground, and kids started carrying around smartphones.

After a lot of R&D, the View-Master company have revamped their product from a clunky box to a high-tech pair of electronic goggles, providing true digital immersion.

Also, their research has indicated that kids want to see their favorite Internet memes and trends, and not boring real-life stuff. So, the Internet Edition View-Master was born.

Posted: Oct. 26, 2020

Tags: viewmaster, internet, meme, kanye, toy, ad

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