Quote of the moment:

Jumpin' Gee-Horsey Farts!

URF DAY 2022!

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Eyyyy! It's URF DAY! As a proud believer that the Urf exists, please, enjoy this list of things YOU can do to help be nice to the Urf.... (Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 24, 2022

Woodsy vs. Rick

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Ecological champion raccoon Ranger Rick and pollution awareness raptor Woodsy Owl square off. Who emerges victorious? Something to post on social media when you're having a slow day.... (Click to see more)

Posted: Feb. 03, 2022

Adult Cuisine

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Anyone remember "Kid Cuisine?" Well, you've grown up, and so have they. No longer just corn nibblins and a dry brownie, new Adult Entrees™ provide the dubious meat and questionable vegetables the mo... (Click to see more)

Posted: Dec. 03, 2021

Modern Barbarian

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Are you a barbarian living in the modern age? Tired of reading old-fashioned periodicals like Barbarism Quarterly, or Slayboy? Well, Modern Barbarian is just the magazine for you! From fashion tips to... (Click to see more)

Posted: Oct. 09, 2021

Heart Awareness Time

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It's Heart Awareness Week... or something like that. So, courtesy of the American Circulatory Commission, I present this collection of handy, helpful heart-related facts for you to digest.... (Click to see more)

Posted: Sep. 24, 2021

Xtreme SPAM!

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New from Hormel, a SPAM as X-TREME as you are!
Grab some for your on-the-go lifestyle of skateboarding, boogieboarding, surfboarding, and trainee onboarding.

ACTION HAM!... (Click to see more)

Posted: Sep. 19, 2021

Baby shower etiquette

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Ever been invited to a baby shower? Ever been monumentally bored by the event? Would you like to learn time-tested, professional methods to not only get removed from a baby shower, but to in all likel... (Click to see more)

Posted: Aug. 12, 2021

Pacific Heatwave 2021

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End of June, 2021, and the Pacific Northwestern United States (where I happen to be) is enduring record-breaking heat. The typically mild and rainy climate has temporarily (I hope) given way to temper... (Click to see more)

Posted: Jun. 28, 2021

Is it addictive?

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Presenting a simple flowchart to determine if you should refer to a given product as "addictive" or not.... (Click to see more)

Posted: May. 21, 2021

The Google Experience™

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A brief recollection of my experiences with the now all-powerful Google company and vague sense of dread.... (Click to see more)

Posted: May. 19, 2021

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