Quote of the moment:

I once killed a man for asking me to help him commit suicide.

All articles containing: "day"

URF DAY 2022!

Eyyyy! It's URF DAY! As a proud believer that the Urf exists, please, enjoy this list of things YOU can do to help be nice to the Urf....(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 24, 2022

Urf Day 2021

It's Urf Day again! Oh, wait. I guess it was last week. Well, no matter. Because where I come from, it's URF DAY ERRYDAY! So enjoy these handy tips on how to make your life more eco-conscious....(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 29, 2021

A Texas Valentine

When you truly care about someone, you make sure they're provided with only the spiciest of hot sauces. Texas Red's new ghost pepper sauce will be sure to warm her heart, though it will also heat up o...(Click to see more)

Posted: Feb. 13, 2021

What's chappening?

Tis the season to be jolly, for sure, but jolliness is in short supply this year, and the data is in. A recent survey finally got to the bottom of what we call "America's Holiday Chafe," and the answe...(Click to see more)

Posted: Dec. 22, 2020

Nog! The Musical

It's a musical about the world's, like, 2nd or 3rd favorite holiday beverage. With such rousing numbers as "ask not for whom the egg nogs," and "nearer my nog to thee," this passionate off-off-off Bro...(Click to see more)

Posted: Dec. 04, 2020

Black Friday Bingo 2020

It's Black Friday once again. The global pandemic may impact the day where usually retailers get out of the red, and into the black, but that doesn't mean that we can't play bingo with the news. Where...(Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 27, 2020


It's that time of year again. Family gatherings still happen, and sometimes, the stress of being with family can drive a man to do heinous deeds. This Thanksgiving, you'll be dying to see what Uncle C...(Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 26, 2020

Birthday Sauce!

Do you like condiments?
Do you like vague, semi-numerological assertions based on your birthday?
Boy, do I ever have a chart for you!
All sorts of... sciences... were used to help construct this ...(Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 13, 2020

Earth Day 2019!

It's Earth Day once again. Here are six tips to help you in your quest to be more conscious of the Earth and Earth accessories....(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 22, 2019

Sustainable Gifts

Do you want to buy gifts for your friends and family, but don't want the gluttonous consumerism of the season lead you to buy against your values?

Well, all these gift suggestions really respect th...(Click to see more)

Posted: Dec. 15, 2018

Labor Day Fun!

What to do this Labor Day?
Read on and find out!...(Click to see more)

Posted: Sep. 03, 2018

St. Cracktricks Day

Like many other humans, I also shop at various places for various goods. Some of those places boggle my mind with their product offerings. This is one such instance of that happening.

It should be ...(Click to see more)

Posted: Mar. 14, 2018

Every Day is Doomsday

With the recent move of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists' Doomsday Clock to two minutes until midnight, it strikes me that we could use some other predictive clocks, to help us with more mundane conc...(Click to see more)

Posted: Jan. 25, 2018

Frosty wants to see

You tell me what the more compassionate energy option is: the one that saved Frosty from a lifetime of disability and shame, or the one that killed him without remorse, like he were a common orangutan...(Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 26, 2017

Bottom 10 gift ideas

In a recent poll of retail workers in the United States, these items were found to have the worst sales and/or highest return for non-replacement figures in the entire shoppingverse. Be advised when y...(Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 25, 2017

Black Friday 2017

It's that time of year again, when shopping gets to be a life-or-death struggle. Count the chills, thrills, spills, and kills as the news rolls along, cataloguing the mayhem and carnage of people in s...(Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 24, 2017

Bux Cup

So, Starbucks has finally figured out how to release a holiday cup which will not end in any controversy. They picked a design that cannot possibly offend anyone of any religious tradition at all. It'...(Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 21, 2017

Old Folks' Hole.

Most people love, or at least don't hate, their older relatives, be they grandparents, aunts, uncles, or whomever. Spending time with the older generation is a tradition, and many enjoy sharing storie...(Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 17, 2017

Shady Daycares

Child raising has many trials and tribulations. What do you feed them so they're the most healthy? How much Dora the Explorer is safe for any one creature, and is what she's exploring safe for childre...(Click to see more)

Posted: Sep. 27, 2017

The horror?

Out getting myself a gang of bangs, when I noted this odd character. Godzilla, Jason, and King Kong are all fine, but I guess Freddy needed some better eyes? Search me......(Click to see more)

Posted: Jul. 03, 2017

Urf Day 2017

It's Urf Day once again, and I have some delightful and practical tips on how to do nice things for the ol' Urf. Yeah, you. Everyone can make a difference, if they just believe in themselves or some s...(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 22, 2017

Black Friday 2016

It's that time of year again. We celebrate consumption and disregard civility to do so. This Black Friday, don't go out. Instead, pull up a chair, dial into the news, and pour a stiff drink as you pla...(Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 24, 2016

Urf Day, Bitches!

It's Urf Day again. So I got some handy-ass tips for you to consider when trying to make this Urf a better place. After all, this the only Urf we got, so you better pay attention. And remember: Urf Da...(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 22, 2016

St. Patrick's Day Bingo

It's that day again. A time when people of all races, creeds, and colors come together to pretend they're Irish and get drunk on a weekday. If you find yourself in the midst of this madness, you can p...(Click to see more)

Posted: Mar. 17, 2016

Disease Warning!

The World Health Organization has released a new bulletin about a disease we thought was dead, but once crippled the Western world. Fortunately, there's this handy poster to help us figure out if one ...(Click to see more)

Posted: Feb. 26, 2016

Wager of Despair

It's that time of year again. The time when shopping becomes a life-or-death competitive struggle, with varying results. Thrill and chill as your fellow man become ravenous beasts, hungry for merchand...(Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 26, 2015

Ernest vs. Jason

I think this would have shattered box-office records, as it would have been one of the formative horror-movie crossovers.

If you think Ernest movies aren't horror movies, you haven't been over 12 ...(Click to see more)

Posted: May. 03, 2015

Urf Day Tip: go organic!

Do the right thing. Go organic, for the children....(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 22, 2015

Urf Day Tip: save energy!

Learn from the wisdom of the ancients. Those lost societies we know little-to-nothing about were surely more in touch with the planet than we are today....(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 22, 2015

Urf Day Tip: reuse things!

Donate goods you can't recycle to places that can re-purpose them!...(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 22, 2015

Urf Day Tip: go natural!

Use natural materials that decompose faster, to avoid waste....(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 22, 2015

Urf Day Tip: cut waste!

Reuse those shoeboxes to help conserve water....(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 22, 2015

Happy Memorial Day

It's good to see our veterans coming home to the things they care so dearly about.

There's always that lingering doubt in your mind that you may never see your giant sandwich ever again.

...(Click to see more)

Posted: May. 26, 2013

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