Quote of the moment:

I have been known to upend tables when served yams unexpectedly.

All articles containing: "sasquatch"

Most Popular Searches

Here's a map sorting the 50th most popular search trends for pornographic material, according to the Internet's 37th most popular smut aggregator. The top searches are always so bland, but the real ch...(Click to see more)

Posted: Jun. 08, 2017


Everyone's favorite sasquatch-related newsmagazine.
From bottom to top, Sasq-Watch don't stop, covering all the latest in sasquatch news, fashion, and accessories, all from a gentleman's perspective....(Click to see more)

Posted: Jun. 28, 2013

MC Hammer fights crime

As part of his court-ordered community service, there was a brief period of time in which MC Hammer was posted up in Sasquatch country, guarding bikes all day. He did a pretty good job, and soon enoug...(Click to see more)

Posted: Jul. 03, 2012

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