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Do they have pimp cups for kids? Pimp sippy-cups?

All articles containing: "pizza"

Pizza Ordering Tips!

Ever think you could be doing a better job of ordering pizza on the phone? Well, I have some surefire tips to help you maximize the quality of your pizza delivery experience. Read and learn!

Create...(Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 16, 2017

Burger conundrum

I had this idea that a cut disk of pizza could serve as a perfect replacement for all the standard-method garnishes usually found on a burger. Onions, tomatoes, mushrooms... they could all be added in...(Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 11, 2017

Marketing Meeting Notes

You ever wonder exactly how some concepts for products and their advertising come into existence? Well, at the core of it all is a marketing meeting, where people gather to determine exactly how to se...(Click to see more)

Posted: Oct. 04, 2016

Nazi Pizza?

So, I was talking with some people about themed pizza places, like Chuck E. Cheese and so forth, where it's an experience to go there. It's usually for kids though, and usually pretty lame.

It was...(Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 20, 2015

Rejected Slogans 5

Some people have a knack for making good advertisements, but you know, you can't win them all. This one ended up in the can at the end of the day....(Click to see more)

Posted: Jul. 14, 2015

Home Pizzeria?

Yeah, I get in trouble sometimes when I underestimate the ability of frozen pizza products to keep their seemingly fantastic promises.

I should have learned from my debacle with Bagel Bites. Yeah, ...(Click to see more)

Posted: Dec. 18, 2013

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