Quote of the moment:

The Brazilian wax of internet sites.

All articles containing: "men"

Because you's broke.

Ever been so broke you couldn't even afford name-brand ramen noodles? Well, HONKmart® has the product for you! Stock up at the low, low price of 2 cents each. ...(Click to see more)

Posted: Aug. 02, 2018

Alternative Payment Methods

The original alternative payment methods....(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 12, 2018

Top ten WORST

These are the worst pickup lines from fellas on the make in 2017. Trust me, guys, don't use these... they don't work as well as one might think....(Click to see more)

Posted: Dec. 08, 2017

Grown-up Tastes

You can dance around it, you can make excuses, you can say it's okay if it's gourmet, or handmade by monks. You can claim there are exceptions for certain things like chicken nuggets or fries. Hell, y...(Click to see more)

Posted: Oct. 24, 2017

If they VAPE...

A new study from the US Department of Fish and Wildlife has confirmed what many people suspected for a long time now.

Yes, it seems that the chemicals found in your average vape vaper may contribut...(Click to see more)

Posted: Sep. 11, 2017

Hungry Woman

For the woman on the go who wants to get something to eat. TV dinners join the 21st century with these bold new offerings....(Click to see more)

Posted: Jul. 19, 2017


You may have heard tell of the monsters who walk among us in civilized society. This is their sign...(Click to see more)

Posted: Jul. 01, 2017

New from Taco Bell

New from Taco Bell® comes the latest in a line of co-branded taste treats. You've had the Doritos® Locos Taco, and the Nude Chicken Taco, well now it's time to slide down the mountain with our new E...(Click to see more)

Posted: Jun. 16, 2017

Keep Them Safe

Keep your loved ones safe from harm with this series of patent-pending restraints. So many tragedies happen every day as a result of children moving around, so do your part to prevent that with this f...(Click to see more)

Posted: Jun. 05, 2017

Urf Day 2017

It's Urf Day once again, and I have some delightful and practical tips on how to do nice things for the ol' Urf. Yeah, you. Everyone can make a difference, if they just believe in themselves or some s...(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 22, 2017

Semen Slang?

What does your first name say about... what odd slang term you should use to describe semen? Well, check this handy chart and find out for yourself. A tad juvenile, I know, but bite me, it's fun....(Click to see more)

Posted: Feb. 24, 2017


A military genetics program is being displayed before congress, but then all hell breaks loose, and now both the House and the Senate are fighting for their lives. Nobody can abstain when faced with t...(Click to see more)

Posted: Sep. 30, 2016

Lifetime originals

Lifetime original programming is known for tackling issues that hit home with its core demographic: women aged 20-50.

Does this fit in, or has it gone too far?

Time will tell....(Click to see more)

Posted: Jun. 15, 2015

Nature fiiight!

Nature shows are boring. Even when they get great footage of animals fighting, it's all been done before. I propose new animal fights, still all nature, but with a few jazzy additions that make it 10x...(Click to see more)

Posted: Jun. 12, 2015

Women's Magazines

Yeah, everyone's read one of these, be it voluntarily, or incidentally at a dentist's office or at the hairsmith. I swear, every issue has something about thumbing buttholes. I'm not sure who the peop...(Click to see more)

Posted: Mar. 22, 2015

Hokus Pokus

Another in my series of irrelevant or oddly specific bumper stickers.
#22 - and I've always wondered about this, what with all the putting things here and there with such force...

To vote for th...(Click to see more)

Posted: Feb. 14, 2015

Don't steal!

I've put together a collection of impractical or oddly specific bumper stickers.
This is #5.
Watch out for that government!

To vote for this one, click and leave a comment and/or a like....(Click to see more)

Posted: Feb. 13, 2015

Relative Units of Measure

In case anyone needs clarification on the "new school" of relative units of measure, I happen to have made a handy chart. Clickity for full-size....(Click to see more)

Posted: Jul. 30, 2014

Government and Shit #11

During October of 2013, the inability of US politicians to reach an agreement on some sort of budget led to a shutdown of the federal government for a few days. Naturally, this led to talk of governme...(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 15, 2014

Government and Shit #12

During October of 2013, the inability of US politicians to reach an agreement on some sort of budget led to a shutdown of the federal government for a few days. Naturally, this led to talk of governme...(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 15, 2014

Guess what?

You're not special!

I made this poster to keep people from getting the idea that they somehow can get the world to pull punches in their case, because they feel like it....(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 08, 2014

You are...

...not special!

Just a reminder, in case any of you are confused as to exactly how much special treatment you can expect from everyone else who lives here....(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 08, 2014


I got a request from an associate to add Kramer's (from "Seinfeld") hair onto Professor X (Patrick Stewart) in this still from the X-Mans movie.

I think I did ok, and since it was laying around, I ...(Click to see more)

Posted: Jan. 30, 2014

Government and Shit #1

During October of 2013, the inability of US politicians to reach an agreement on some sort of budget led to a shutdown of the federal government for a few days. Naturally, this led to talk of governme...(Click to see more)

Posted: Oct. 04, 2013

Government and Shit #2

During October of 2013, the inability of US politicians to reach an agreement on some sort of budget led to a shutdown of the federal government for a few days. Naturally, this led to talk of governme...(Click to see more)

Posted: Oct. 04, 2013

Government and Shit #3

During October of 2013, the inability of US politicians to reach an agreement on some sort of budget led to a shutdown of the federal government for a few days. Naturally, this led to talk of governme...(Click to see more)

Posted: Oct. 04, 2013

Government and Shit #4

During October of 2013, the inability of US politicians to reach an agreement on some sort of budget led to a shutdown of the federal government for a few days. Naturally, this led to talk of governme...(Click to see more)

Posted: Oct. 04, 2013

Government and Shit #5

During October of 2013, the inability of US politicians to reach an agreement on some sort of budget led to a shutdown of the federal government for a few days. Naturally, this led to talk of governme...(Click to see more)

Posted: Oct. 04, 2013

Government and Shit #6

During October of 2013, the inability of US politicians to reach an agreement on some sort of budget led to a shutdown of the federal government for a few days. Naturally, this led to talk of governme...(Click to see more)

Posted: Oct. 04, 2013

Government and Shit #7

During October of 2013, the inability of US politicians to reach an agreement on some sort of budget led to a shutdown of the federal government for a few days. Naturally, this led to talk of governme...(Click to see more)

Posted: Oct. 04, 2013

Government and Shit #8

During October of 2013, the inability of US politicians to reach an agreement on some sort of budget led to a shutdown of the federal government for a few days. Naturally, this led to talk of governme...(Click to see more)

Posted: Oct. 04, 2013

Government and Shit #9

During October of 2013, the inability of US politicians to reach an agreement on some sort of budget led to a shutdown of the federal government for a few days. Naturally, this led to talk of governme...(Click to see more)

Posted: Oct. 04, 2013

Government and Shit #10

During October of 2013, the inability of US politicians to reach an agreement on some sort of budget led to a shutdown of the federal government for a few days. Naturally, this led to talk of governme...(Click to see more)

Posted: Oct. 04, 2013

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