Quote of the moment:

These are like the X-Files, but with fewer UFOs, and more discussion of the government suppression of the Electric Pornograph.

All articles containing: "art"

URF DAY 2022!

Eyyyy! It's URF DAY! As a proud believer that the Urf exists, please, enjoy this list of things YOU can do to help be nice to the Urf....(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 24, 2022

Heart Awareness Time

It's Heart Awareness Week... or something like that. So, courtesy of the American Circulatory Commission, I present this collection of handy, helpful heart-related facts for you to digest....(Click to see more)

Posted: Sep. 24, 2021

Is it addictive?

Presenting a simple flowchart to determine if you should refer to a given product as "addictive" or not....(Click to see more)

Posted: May. 21, 2021

Urf Day 2021

It's Urf Day again! Oh, wait. I guess it was last week. Well, no matter. Because where I come from, it's URF DAY ERRYDAY! So enjoy these handy tips on how to make your life more eco-conscious....(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 29, 2021

Easter Poll Results

It's that time again: Easter. Beyond chocolate, Jesus, and holdovers from odd pagan fertility traditions, Easter is full of an abundance of activities. This site polled dozens of working adults in the...(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 03, 2021

Hot Sauce Sex Life!

It's kind of like a horoscope. It's also not at all like a horoscope. Pick your favorite hot sauce, or one that's adjacent to it, since there's no way I could fit every hot sauce onto this chart. Thes...(Click to see more)

Posted: Feb. 27, 2021

What's chappening?

Tis the season to be jolly, for sure, but jolliness is in short supply this year, and the data is in. A recent survey finally got to the bottom of what we call "America's Holiday Chafe," and the answe...(Click to see more)

Posted: Dec. 22, 2020

Birthday Sauce!

Do you like condiments?
Do you like vague, semi-numerological assertions based on your birthday?
Boy, do I ever have a chart for you!
All sorts of... sciences... were used to help construct this ...(Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 13, 2020

Reality TV is BACK!

Coming this fall, to FOX television: what happens when you put 10 horny strangers on an island full of booze and drugs? Well, exactly what you'd expect, but this time, the catch is that one of them se...(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 20, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day

Yeah, I know. Everyone does one of these. Well, you know what? I can follow trends if I want to! I can have the good, clean(uh) fun that comes from giving those candy hearts a good send-up. Enjoy. Or ...(Click to see more)

Posted: Feb. 13, 2020

Earth Day 2019!

It's Earth Day once again. Here are six tips to help you in your quest to be more conscious of the Earth and Earth accessories....(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 22, 2019

Movie Sheriffs

Sheriffs in small towns never seem to do much. In the movies, anyhow. We all know that law enforcement officers in real life are upstanding collectors of speeding-ticket revenue for the small town the...(Click to see more)

Posted: Oct. 31, 2018

The Art and Science...

The total and complete guide to both the technical details and artistic nuance of turning your crank on public transit.
The latest version includes two new chapters on light rail and subways....(Click to see more)

Posted: Sep. 06, 2018

Because you's broke.

Ever been so broke you couldn't even afford name-brand ramen noodles? Well, HONKmart® has the product for you! Stock up at the low, low price of 2 cents each. ...(Click to see more)

Posted: Aug. 02, 2018


Sweeteners! They're in everything, but mostly drinks. Drinks are also where you tend to notice them the most. I have taken it upon myself to rank the most popular sweeteners (if you're disappointed yo...(Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 28, 2017

Movie Time

It's a big movie-watching weekend. So many titles hitting the screen, and a lot of them are sequels or prequels. I can seldom make heads or tails of things just from watching trailers, so I came up wi...(Click to see more)

Posted: May. 19, 2017

Urf Day 2017

It's Urf Day once again, and I have some delightful and practical tips on how to do nice things for the ol' Urf. Yeah, you. Everyone can make a difference, if they just believe in themselves or some s...(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 22, 2017

Cartoon Life Lessons

Ah, cartoons. Be they the AM or afternoon kind, we all enjoyed watching them when we were young, sucking in every frame with delight, or sometimes mild apathy. Well, most all of them tried to teach le...(Click to see more)

Posted: Mar. 14, 2017

A Friend In Need...

Sometimes, you gotta help out your friends, even if you don't really know what you're doing...(Click to see more)

Posted: Jan. 28, 2017

Scent of a candle

A lot of research and development goes in to making those smells that people put in expensive-ass candles these days.

However, like all research efforts, there are some that die on the laboratory f...(Click to see more)

Posted: Jun. 03, 2016

Urf Day, Bitches!

It's Urf Day again. So I got some handy-ass tips for you to consider when trying to make this Urf a better place. After all, this the only Urf we got, so you better pay attention. And remember: Urf Da...(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 22, 2016

Classical Gas

They certainly don't make movies like they used to. In this classic film, an artist with tremendous talent but terrible gas issues must cope with the rigors of trying to win a painting contest and bec...(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 21, 2016

Participant Awards?

We live in an age where kids get award pretty much just for showing up to school.
But why is the label so bland as to be "participant?"

Everyone has things about them that we can celebrate instea...(Click to see more)

Posted: Mar. 12, 2016

What Are Pigs Made Of?

Ever wonder what the key parts of your average pig are? Well, through research and science, I managed to chart the components of the average domestic pig, in convenient easy-to-see format.

Hopefull...(Click to see more)

Posted: Feb. 02, 2016

Outrage Dartboard

I have such a difficult time keeping up with all the trends, especially those that tell me what I should be offended by.

So, I went to my lab and concocted an "offense dartboard," which will let me...(Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 12, 2015

Urf Day Tip: go organic!

Do the right thing. Go organic, for the children....(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 22, 2015

Urf Day Tip: save energy!

Learn from the wisdom of the ancients. Those lost societies we know little-to-nothing about were surely more in touch with the planet than we are today....(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 22, 2015

Urf Day Tip: reuse things!

Donate goods you can't recycle to places that can re-purpose them!...(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 22, 2015

Urf Day Tip: go natural!

Use natural materials that decompose faster, to avoid waste....(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 22, 2015

Urf Day Tip: cut waste!

Reuse those shoeboxes to help conserve water....(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 22, 2015

We can do it?

I've put together a collection of impractical or oddly specific bumper stickers.
This is #17.

To vote for this one, click and leave a comment and/or a like....(Click to see more)

Posted: Feb. 13, 2015


I got a request from an associate to add Kramer's (from "Seinfeld") hair onto Professor X (Patrick Stewart) in this still from the X-Mans movie.

I think I did ok, and since it was laying around, I ...(Click to see more)

Posted: Jan. 30, 2014

Trayvon Martini

In an effort to be topical, I've decided to create a memorial drink for young Mr. Trayvon Martin, who was shot in the sweatshirt while 'rasslin with a very committed neighborhood watch guy.

It's de...(Click to see more)

Posted: Sep. 01, 2013


I, uh, got into a brief period where I experimented with some pop-culture stuff. This is the Shaq mosaic, prominently featuring underpants from the movie "Kazaam," and a large quantity of meat....(Click to see more)

Posted: Jul. 19, 2013

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