Quote of the moment:

A horse is a horse, of course, of course, unless you're in France. Then it gets... weird.

All articles containing: "ark"

Old Folks' Hole.

Most people love, or at least don't hate, their older relatives, be they grandparents, aunts, uncles, or whomever. Spending time with the older generation is a tradition, and many enjoy sharing storie...(Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 17, 2017

Supermarket Stereotypes

I've made a list chronicling the newer characters you're likely to see next time you're at a supermarket. Gone is the tired "old lady writing a check" and the "coupon haggler." I'm documenting the new...(Click to see more)

Posted: Mar. 13, 2017

Marketing Meeting Notes

You ever wonder exactly how some concepts for products and their advertising come into existence? Well, at the core of it all is a marketing meeting, where people gather to determine exactly how to se...(Click to see more)

Posted: Oct. 04, 2016

Nostalgia Cola

Yeah, yeah. Crystal Pepsi's back on shelves, and that petition we all signed back in 2002 to bring back Surge apparently worked, but we seem to forget that these beverages went away for a reason. They...(Click to see more)

Posted: Aug. 13, 2016


I saw some image from some activist group who want to change the tired old "handicapped" sign on parking spots to reflect a more contemporary, go-getting, motivated group of disabled folks. Well, I ha...(Click to see more)

Posted: May. 14, 2016

Sympathy card #3

So, I had this idea to make sympathy cards for things that genuinely happen in real life, but don't usually have cards for. Thanks for being stodgy and hyper-conservative, Hallmark.

No matter, I'll...(Click to see more)

Posted: Jun. 21, 2015

Sympathy card #2

So, I had this idea to make sympathy cards for things that genuinely happen in real life, but don't usually have cards for. Thanks for being stodgy and hyper-conservative, Hallmark.

No matter, I'll...(Click to see more)

Posted: Jun. 20, 2015

Sympathy cards

So, I had this idea to make sympathy cards for things that genuinely happen in real life, but don't usually have cards for. Thanks for being stodgy and hyper-conservative, Hallmark.

No matter, I'll...(Click to see more)

Posted: Jun. 19, 2015

Marky's Ark!

Ah, how could the world have forgotten the works of Marcus Q. Mark? Oh wait, they didn't!

In this delightful summer comedy vehicle, a young Mark Wahlberg goes back in time for no good reason and wi...(Click to see more)

Posted: May. 17, 2015

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