Quote of the moment:
Without being explicitly stated, the quote implies that when you pee long into an abyss, the abyss also pees into you.
Coming this fall, to FOX television: what happens when you put 10 horny strangers on an island full of booze and drugs? Well, exactly what you'd expect, but this time, the catch is that one of them se...(Click to see more)
Time to check out the circulars which come in that old-fashioned thing called a "news paper." I think they're all 97% advertising at this point anyway, with one fluff piece in the back about a watersk...(Click to see more)
A new study from the US Department of Fish and Wildlife has confirmed what many people suspected for a long time now. Yes, it seems that the chemicals found in your average vape vaper may contribut...(Click to see more)
Coming soon to a theater near you, the touching story of a boy, an ape, their love, and the national tragedy that followed. I don't usually do memes, but when I do, well... here ya go....(Click to see more)
We all know that in these uncertain times, we can always choose one candidate who stands for bricks of squishy, sugary deliciousness. Whose flavor endures long after the other candidates have lost all...(Click to see more)
So, in the legendary song "Boyz N The Hood," it is mentioned that someone was killed in a ghetto fashion, and that this killing made the front page of the Los Angeles times. I decided to carefully sif...(Click to see more)
Yeah, there are rape whistles out there, but they don't really get the job done if you're in a place with way too much noise, or way too much rape. That's why we have the Rape Trombone, for when y...(Click to see more)
Coming this fall, is the heartwarming tale of a Las Vegas pimp who happens to have a tragic accident, costing him the use of his legs. He thinks all is lost, until a new service animal from the Dep...(Click to see more)
This Martin Luther King Jr. day, see the carnage as a giant ape rampages through an unsuspecting, defenseless city. The townsfolk can think of no hope, outside of one man. A man with a dream... and a ...(Click to see more)
When good drinks go bad. Spending time on the beach with your favorite cocktail seemed like a good idea for five eager friends, but when they start dying in festive, tropical ways, the race is on to ...(Click to see more)
So, you're busy, and always on the go, but you love to be up on the latest social justice trends on Tumblr. Just one problem: there are SO MANY to keep track of that it would take all day to find e...(Click to see more)
I had to do my own take on a timeless children's classic. In this case, though, the tree isn't a doormat and a pushover, and doesn't let that kid use him and fuck up his entire life. But, the tree ...(Click to see more)
One of the United States' most inspiring historical figures, William Q. Dynamite, is asked what he would rather do than forcibly copulate with the woman shown here. His hypothetical alternative pre...(Click to see more)
Those mid-70s monster flicks are always a gamble. They try and do so much. Most of the time they usually end up as bad creature-features with sexploitation themes and weak '70s gore effects. Usually a...(Click to see more)