Quote of the moment:

She blinded me with science, but I broke her leg with ignorance.

All articles containing: "USA"

Most Popular Searches

Here's a map sorting the 50th most popular search trends for pornographic material, according to the Internet's 37th most popular smut aggregator. The top searches are always so bland, but the real ch...(Click to see more)

Posted: Jun. 08, 2017

Public Service Message

And now a message intended for the people out there who might be inclined to forget certain things in the heat of the moment. Paid for by the good people at the United States Oral Council and approved...(Click to see more)

Posted: Feb. 18, 2016

Impossible Sausage

This winter, four friends discover an abandoned bratwurst museum behind a popular shopping mall, and end up being forced to somehow eat a full serving of sausage with some kind of crazy bullshit locke...(Click to see more)

Posted: Jun. 20, 2014

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