Quote of the moment:

I don't smoke chronic; I smoke punk-ass bitches. Hard keeping them lit, though...

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Stop, Drop and Roll!

So, there are certain social situations which nobody likes to deal with, but are inevitable. Like loud children being obnoxious in public places.

Now, parents tell me that children are not to be bargained with nor bribed when they're having a loud tantrum in a public forum. This sounds like sage wisdom to me. I mean, that's like saying "don't negotiate with terrorists," in that it's fairly sensible.

However, this puts everyone else in the uncomfortable position of dealing with the horrible, horrible screeching and wailing until they're out of earshot, and nobody wants to deal with that.

So, how do we stop awful wailing and not contribute to bad parenting at the same time? No, it doesn't involve guillotining Justin Bieber, but it does involve my latest invention! Let me know if you'll be ordering one!

Posted: Sep. 16, 2013

Tags: stop, drop, roll, parenting, taser

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