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All articles containing: "time"

Tea Time!

Ever find yourself wondering "what is the perfect tea for my moods, which vary, and require different types of tea?" Well, fret not, you're probably just real dumb. If not, I have a handy chart, which...(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 25, 2018

Alt Universe Fact #32

The universe contains so many mysteries. The multiverse hypothesis states that every decision ever made by... anything... results in a branch-off into an alternate universe for the road not taken.

...(Click to see more)

Posted: Jan. 14, 2018

Lifetime originals

Lifetime original programming is known for tackling issues that hit home with its core demographic: women aged 20-50.

Does this fit in, or has it gone too far?

Time will tell....(Click to see more)

Posted: Jun. 15, 2015

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