Quote of the moment:
As Aristotle said, "hearing out a poor argument is worse than a kick in the penis," but he wore Greek penis armor at all times, so...
They're little slivers of another person's existence. Maybe a family, maybe a lonely bachelor, maybe a glutton. Our shopping lists really are a reflection of our souls....(Click to see more)
In a recent poll of retail workers in the United States, these items were found to have the worst sales and/or highest return for non-replacement figures in the entire shoppingverse. Be advised when y...(Click to see more)
It's that time of year again, when shopping gets to be a life-or-death struggle. Count the chills, thrills, spills, and kills as the news rolls along, cataloguing the mayhem and carnage of people in s...(Click to see more)
I've made a list chronicling the newer characters you're likely to see next time you're at a supermarket. Gone is the tired "old lady writing a check" and the "coupon haggler." I'm documenting the new...(Click to see more)
It's that time of year again. We celebrate consumption and disregard civility to do so. This Black Friday, don't go out. Instead, pull up a chair, dial into the news, and pour a stiff drink as you pla...(Click to see more)
Buying organic. It's something everyone's getting into, but going into one of those organic stores can be a confusing debacle. How organic is too organic? Does organic really mean "made of organs?" ...(Click to see more)
It's that time of year again. The time when shopping becomes a life-or-death competitive struggle, with varying results. Thrill and chill as your fellow man become ravenous beasts, hungry for merchand...(Click to see more)
Like any sensible person, I do as much of my holiday shopping online as possible. However, sometimes circumstance forces you to go out amongst the masses to acquire something in person. In this...(Click to see more)