Quote of the moment:
A horse is a horse, of course, of course, unless you're in France. Then it gets... weird.
According to pretty much every slasher movie I've ever seen, this is 100% true. Just lumber along and death-kill everyone and you won't get caught by the cops. In fact, the only way you can be stopped...(Click to see more)
Out of the depths of the... cucumber patch... comes a story of such evil that it could only be reserved for the most brave of viewers. The savage story of a man gone too far. Tune in this Halloween fo...(Click to see more)
Found this when I was digging around a filthy box in a filthy place. A real testament to those completely not-derivative and bold concepts that comprised 1980s horror films. Time to fire up the VCR! ...(Click to see more)
Like any sensible person, I do as much of my holiday shopping online as possible. However, sometimes circumstance forces you to go out amongst the masses to acquire something in person. In this...(Click to see more)
In the darkness of the arctic sea, it waited. For years, it has shadowed the shore. Now, a fishing expedition to the great white North will prove to be the greatest challenge for a group of friends,...(Click to see more)
When good drinks go bad. Spending time on the beach with your favorite cocktail seemed like a good idea for five eager friends, but when they start dying in festive, tropical ways, the race is on to ...(Click to see more)