Quote of the moment:

A horse is a horse, of course, of course, unless you're in France. Then it gets... weird.

All articles containing: "kill"

Stop! Stabbertime!

According to pretty much every slasher movie I've ever seen, this is 100% true. Just lumber along and death-kill everyone and you won't get caught by the cops. In fact, the only way you can be stopped...(Click to see more)

Posted: Oct. 30, 2017

Kill Pickle!

Out of the depths of the... cucumber patch... comes a story of such evil that it could only be reserved for the most brave of viewers. The savage story of a man gone too far. Tune in this Halloween fo...(Click to see more)

Posted: Oct. 13, 2016

VHS Library

Found this when I was digging around a filthy box in a filthy place. A real testament to those completely not-derivative and bold concepts that comprised 1980s horror films. Time to fire up the VCR!
...(Click to see more)

Posted: Jan. 13, 2016

Holiday Shopping Drone

Like any sensible person, I do as much of my holiday shopping online as possible.

However, sometimes circumstance forces you to go out amongst the masses to acquire something in person.

In this...(Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 24, 2015


In the darkness of the arctic sea, it waited.
For years, it has shadowed the shore.
Now, a fishing expedition to the great white North will prove to be the greatest challenge for a group of friends,...(Click to see more)

Posted: Dec. 15, 2014

PiƱa Kill-ada

When good drinks go bad.
Spending time on the beach with your favorite cocktail seemed like a good idea for five eager friends, but when they start dying in festive, tropical ways, the race is on to ...(Click to see more)

Posted: Jun. 18, 2014

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