Quote of the moment:

I once killed a man for asking me to help him commit suicide.

All articles containing: "hammer"

Shaq Attaq

MC Hammer's tribute to Shaq. You see, back in the mid-90s, Hammer's star was fading, but Shaq was on the rise, and has yet to ever slow down. So, being the decent fellow that he was, Hammer decided to...(Click to see more)

Posted: Dec. 16, 2013

MC Hammer fights crime

As part of his court-ordered community service, there was a brief period of time in which MC Hammer was posted up in Sasquatch country, guarding bikes all day. He did a pretty good job, and soon enoug...(Click to see more)

Posted: Jul. 03, 2012

Reading Time!

Now, while I didn't "create" this, per se, I did take a photograph someone took of a poster found in an elementary school library and digitally removed all the wrinkles in the paper(as best I could) a...(Click to see more)

Posted: Jul. 02, 2012

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