Quote of the moment:

When in doubt, fuck it. When not in doubt, get in doubt.

All articles containing: "golden"

Setting Expectations Early

Sometimes, everyone has a bad day. It's the job of parents everywhere to let kids know that nothing's ever so bad that it couldn't possibly be worse. Thus, we turn to the old standards that we all rea...(Click to see more)

Posted: Jan. 02, 2021

My first what now?

Living in a police state as we do, it's sometimes tough to explain certain concepts to kids. Concepts like why an authority figure might need to thumb their buttholes for reasons of security, and why ...(Click to see more)

Posted: Apr. 21, 2017

Little Golden Books

We all remember those Little Golden Books, right? Well, guess who decided to write one? I think my first submission will be well-received by the publishing house, and I will be able to continue to tea...(Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 30, 2015

Golden Girls 2014

Flash-forward. All of the Golden Girls have been eliminated, except for one. Enter a nightmare web of intrigue, sex, and lies that has become Rose's life.
Follow her quest to avenge the others while ...(Click to see more)

Posted: Sep. 14, 2014

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