Quote of the moment:

I've got the hurgus, if you have the burgus.

All articles containing: "giving"


It's that time of year again. Family gatherings still happen, and sometimes, the stress of being with family can drive a man to do heinous deeds. This Thanksgiving, you'll be dying to see what Uncle C...(Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 26, 2020

Old Folks' Hole.

Most people love, or at least don't hate, their older relatives, be they grandparents, aunts, uncles, or whomever. Spending time with the older generation is a tradition, and many enjoy sharing storie...(Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 17, 2017

Wager of Despair

It's that time of year again. The time when shopping becomes a life-or-death competitive struggle, with varying results. Thrill and chill as your fellow man become ravenous beasts, hungry for merchand...(Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 26, 2015

The Fucking Tree

I had to do my own take on a timeless children's classic.

In this case, though, the tree isn't a doormat and a pushover, and doesn't let that kid use him and fuck up his entire life. But, the tree ...(Click to see more)

Posted: Feb. 17, 2012

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