Quote of the moment:

As Aristotle said, "hearing out a poor argument is worse than a kick in the penis," but he wore Greek penis armor at all times, so...

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Public Transit Bingo

So, here in Portland, OR, we have a highly-rated, but actually pretty shitty public transit service called TRI-MET.

They run all the bus service, light rail, and streetcar(yeah, we have one of those) in the whole city, and it, being public transit, means you are subject to the harsh realities of being crammed in a steel box with your fellow man. So, I came up with a way to pass the time: bingo!

Every time you see one of the squares on your trip, mark it, and if you get a row filled, that's a BINGO! Your prize includes losing your sense of compassion, and/or weeping softly into your shirt. Best played with friends!

Posted: Nov. 10, 2015

Tags: bingo, tri-met, trimet, public transit

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